How do attendees sign up for events? How can I limit signups for limited events? - Eventeny Community
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How do attendees sign up for events? How can I limit signups for limited events?

in Austin, United States
Jun 06, 2022

I've looked around, and I'm not seeing a way to enable attendees to sign up for events on our schedule. Also, on the schedule, I'm not seeing any way of limiting events to a certain number of attendees. Am I missing something?

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1 Reply
in Waukegan, United States
Jun 08, 2022

Hi Jonathan! You're not missing anything; currently we do not have the ability for attendees to sign up for events on the schedule, or to limit the number of attendees going to an event. I would love to know more about how you would like this feature to function, if it were to be developed. Please reach out to me via email at so that we can talk more and hopefully add this to our product development list. :)