How can I make the address field in an application visible to the jury? - Eventeny Community

How can I make the address field in an application visible to the jury?

in Duluth, United States
Aug 01, 2023

I need the jury to be able to view the address field of an application, but I do not have the option to make it visible. Is there a way to do this or is there a workaround that does not involve making the applicant enter their address a second time under the jury questions?

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in Waukegan, United States
Aug 01, 2023

Hi Stacy! Thanks so much for asking! The user account information is hidden from juries to ensure that the judging is fair and not based on the applicant's information. However, I can definitely understand wanting to share some of that information with the jury. At this time the only way to share the information would be to create that secondary question. I will, however, add this as a feature request for a future implementation as I can definitely see where allowing some information may be helpful in certain instances. :) Thank you for the suggestion, your feedback helps us to make Eventeny a better platform for all event organizers!