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And now, your trivia answers
1. Pocahontas
2. Aurora in Sleeping Beauty
3. Amelia Fieldmouse, she was Mickey’s sister4. Al’s Toy Barn
Marvel Cinematic Universe
1. The Wasp
2. Avengers: Endgame
3. 142
4.Flora Colossus
Star Wars
1. California
2. Moisture
3. I have spoken
4. Trask
San Diego Comic Con
1. San Diego Comic-Con began in 1970, and its original name was the "Golden State Comic Book Convention."
2. The record for the longest consecutive attendance at San Diego Comic-Con is held by Richard Alf, who attended the convention for 50 years in a row from 1970 to 2019.
3. The actor who disguised himself as "Boba Fett" at San Diego Comic-Con in 2010 was Mark Hamill, best known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise.
How'd you do? We pulled no punches with these questions so if you nailed them all then consider yourself a mastermind 🧠