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How to Use Gridlines in the Eventeny Map Editor

Product Update April 2022

Locate Your Map

  1. Select the event you'd like to work on.
  2. Under "Home" select "Maps"
  3. Click "✎ Edit Details" on the map you'd like to assign booths to. 
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Activating Gridlines

Creating Horizontal Gridlines
  1. Hover over the bottom edge of the horizontal ruler at the top of the page.
  2. The "" double-sided arrow symbol should appear. 
  3. Using the ⬍, Click and drag the gridline into position. 

Creating Vertical Gridlines

  1. Hover over the right edge of the vertical ruler on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. The "⬌" double-sided arrow symbol should appear. 
  3. Using the ⬌, Click and drag the gridline into position. 
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Gridline Snapping

Objects will automatically snap to your guidelines to assist in developing more accurate and cleaner maps!