Huzzah and well met, noble artisans and merchants! Whidbey Ren Faire invites you to showcase your unique wares and talents at our annual Renaissance Faire. This immersive event celebrates the magic of medieval and fantasy combined, drawing thousands of attendees eager to explore handcrafted goods, delicious food, and live entertainment.
We are seeking vendors who offer:
Handcrafted or period-inspired goods (e.g., jewelry, clothing, armor, art, pottery, etc.)
Unique services or interactive experiences that enhance the faire’s ambiance (e.g. face paint, hair braiding, temporary/henna tattooing, massage, etc.)
Event Details:
Dates: May 24th-25th, 10am-6pm
Location: Beach View Farm- 1570 Wieldraayer Rd, Oak Harbor, Washington 98277, United States
Huzzah and well met, noble artisans and merchants! Whidbey Ren Faire invites you to showcase your unique wares and talents at our annual Renaissance Faire. This immersive event celebrates the magic of medieval and fantasy combined, drawing thousands of hungry patrons eager to explore handcrafted goods, delicious food, and live entertainment.
We are seeking vendors who offer food and beverages fit for royalty, with options for the littles of the land, and those picky eaters.
Event Details:
Dates: May 24th-25th, 10am-6pm
Location: Beach View Farm- 1570 Wieldraayer Rd, Oak Harbor, Washington 98277, United States
Our fellow nonprofit organizations have a place at Whidbey Ren Faire. Sharing resources and information about programs and services that help families and individuals is just as important as having the marketplace! If you are a nonprofit organization looking to share information about your services only, and not makes sales, you may apply here for a booth space at Whidbey Ren Faire. Spaces are limited to 10’x10’. Larger spaces will be considered for those who are offering services to our patrons that require additional space such as an activity or game. Approval applies to this event only.
At Whidbey Ren Faire we believe that there is strength in numbers, and that sharing brings about joy. This application is specifically for other renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, or events in our area that we know our fanbase will love! Our patrons stand to benefit from learning about more events that they may be interested in, and you do as well! If you are another faire or local event, we welcome you to apply. Availability is limited and spaces are limited to 10'x10' unless you provide an approved attraction or activity for our fairgoers. Additional booth space must be approved by the board in advance. Sales at these booths are not allowed, although donations to your cause/organization are authorized. Approval applies to this event only.
Civic services and community-focused organizations/businesses (i.e. public library, fire dept., police, etc.) may apply to be a part of the magic at Whidbey Ren Faire utilizing this application. Availability is limited and spaces are limited to 10'x10' unless you provide an approved attraction or activity for our fairgoers. Additional booth space must be approved by the board in advance. Sales at these booths are not allowed, although donations to your cause/organization are authorized. Approval applies to this event only.

Talented performers of all kinds—musicians, dancers, actors, and street performers—are welcome to audition for Whidbey Ren Faire 2025! Showcase your skills in a vibrant, family-friendly environment filled with merriment and magic. Apply now to be part of this enchanting experience!
Please read every question carefully and fill out to the best of your abilities. You will still be able to make changes after you submit your applications. No changes can be made after your application has been accepted by WRF.
Please fill this out If you are interested in performing as part of the fairy guild at Whidbey Ren Faire. The Celestial Glade is a haven for magical creatures great and small to rest and frolic. Queen Ziggy and her fairies fill the sky and forests with laughter and music. From the sea we are graced with the presence of our charming mer pod!