This application is for Merchandise Vendors ONLY!
Thank you for your interest in Vending at the San Antonio Highland Games Association’s (SAHGA) annual Highland Games and Celtic Music Festival.
RETURNING MERCHANTS: Thank you for your continued support and being an integral part of our event. As a Vendor from our previous year, you have been accepted back into the games. Please complete and pay the application by February 1st to guarantee your booth space. After that time your spot will be forfeited And filled with another vendor from our waiting list.
NEW MERCHANTS: Our festival is a Juried Event. Completion of this application DOES NOT guarantee acceptance into our event. Upon completion of the app, our Vendor Committee will review your information and notify you of your status. We are looking for New Vendors with 75% of their merchandise to be Celtic, Scottish or Irish in nature. Handmade items and items imported directly from Scotland or Ireland would take precedence. SAHGA limits the amount of similar vendors to allow our merchants a more lucrative festival, so we only choose vendors who offer goods we are lacking.
NOTE: No one may sell Welsh Cakes purchased from The Welsh Baker, as SAHGA sells these as part of our fundraising efforts.