Terms and Conditions Absolutely NO dumping of ANYTHING on the field!Violators will be fined $500! Fees: An application fee of $50 is required with the submission of this application. (Grandfathered vendors will be charged at their current rate after approval.) If your application is rejected, your application fee will be returned to you. The deposit will be applied to your total fees if you meet all requirements. Full payment is due upon application acceptance and must be received no later than June 1st. Late payments will be subject to a processing fee of $10. Late applications will only be accepted on a case-by-case basis with payment in full submitted with the application and may be subject to a late processing fee of $50. No applications will be considered after July 1st. Business Hours: Vendors are required to be open for business from Friday through Sunday. Hours of operation are Friday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. with a late show from 8 – 10 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Vendors are not permitted to begin to take down until all patrons have safely left the grounds on Sunday. And not before 5:30 p.m. Additionally, security will be stationed at the vehicle access gate and will not permit any vehicles on the grounds until they receive permission from the executive producer. Any vendor breaking down early forfeits all fees and all future vending privileges at the event. All vendors have the option of staying open for the Saturday night “late show”. Food Vendors are strongly encouraged to stay open during our “late show” on Saturday night from approximately, 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. The Late Show: This event takes place on Saturday night of the event. It is a 21+ separately ticketed show. Vendors are encouraged but not required to stay open for this event. If you remain open for this event, you must supply all your own needs (lights) to operate your truck/booth. The event does not provide enough power to service all booths. Under-age children of vendors are not permitted to attend this show. After Hours: On Friday and Sunday nights, all cast/vendors are invited to participate in a potluck at our VIP Pub Club tent. Bring a dish to share and be part of the Mayhem family! Friday night is a “meet, greet & thank our sponsors” night, and Sunday night, producers hold a closing toast right after gates close. Insurance/Indemnification: Vendors need to carry their own insurance policy. All insured must include Medieval Mayhem Entertainment, LLC (MME) as a second insured under their policy. With or without insurance, vendors, performers, and all participants agree, by accepting this agreement, regardless of coverage under any insurance policy, to pay all costs necessary to indemnify, defend and hold MME and all event sponsors harmless from all claims, demands, actions, attorney’s fees, costs and expenses based on or arising out of any acts, errors, omissions, fault, or negligence of vendor/contractor or its principals, employees, subcontractors or other agents while performing services under this contract. All participants agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless MME, the city of Show Low, and any of their sponsors, officers, employees, representatives, and agents from any loss, theft, damage, or injury to any person or property during the event and while on the event grounds. Decency: MME will not allow the sale of merchandise that offends community standards or depicts or suggests illegal drug use or related paraphernalia. MME has the final say as to the appropriateness of all merchandise. The event is a family-friendly show. Fire Inspections/Fireproofing: All vendors are required to have a fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A10B: C, and it must have been serviced within the last year by a licensed state fire protection company. Each extinguisher will bear a tag with the servicing information. Cell Phones: To maintain the proper atmosphere and create the best experience possible for all, cell phones must be out of sight and earshot during show hours unless accepting electronic payment for goods and services. Keep this use as hidden as possible when used. Electrical Requirements: Any vendors requiring electricity must mark such requests on this application’s first page or provide their own generators. All generators MUST be out of sight and be the quiet type to maintain the integrity of the atmosphere and experience. Solar/battery lights are recommended for use if participating in the Late Show hours on Saturday night. See below for details. There is a charge for power on the site. Permits: Vendors are required to obtain and submit copies to MME of all necessary permits and licenses (TPT and Navajo County Department of Health for food vendors) and display them on-site to operate on the festival grounds, as well as a copy of your driver’s license with their date of birth. If you are forced to close by any government agency for failure to obtain, or comply with, proper and necessary permits/licenses, MME is not liable for vendor losses. MME will not refund fees. These must be submitted upon approval/acceptance of the application and no later than June 1st. Contact Village EVENTures at (928) 215-0451 if you have questions.Intl Sales Tax: All retail & food vendors (including out-of-state vendors) must have a current and valid Arizona TPT license and need to add Show Low to their TPT reporting. All vendors are responsible for keeping track of their sales and paying Arizona State Tax. A list of all vendors will be submitted to the Arizona Department of Revenue following the event. Intl Alcohol/Controlled Substances: The sale of alcoholic beverages is strictly licensed and controlled. Alcoholic beverages will only be sold at the Pub. No other sale of alcoholic beverages will be permitted. Under no circumstances are any controlled substances allowed on the festival site. Anyone with controlled substances in their possession on the show site is subject to immediate expulsion. Therefore, a zero-tolerance policy will be in effect. The City of Show Low does not permit the use of marijuana in any form in the facility or in the parking lot. Animals: MME recommends that pets be left at home for their own comfort and safety. If you MUST bring your pet, you are responsible for all aspects of their care, including cleaning up after them on the grounds and anywhere on park grounds. Please walk your pet in the parking area regularly to not create “burns” on the park grass. Dogs must always be on a leash or in a kennel/fenced area within the vendor’s site of operation and under complete owner control. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the vendor being asked to remove the animal from the grounds without the vendor breaking down. Water: Vendors will not be able to hook up directly to a hose or faucet. There is no booth/truck water access on site for any purpose, including camping. Set Up/Tear Down: All vendors will be set up and ready for business by 9:30 a.m. each morning. Vendors will be allowed onto the grounds starting at 9:00 a.m. Thursday. All vendors are to vacate the park grounds by noon Monday. NO VENDOR VEHICLES WILL BE PERMITTED ON GROUNDS UNTIL THE EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DEEMS IT SAFE! SECURITY WILL BE STATIONED AT THE VENDOR ACCESS GATE TO ALLOW OR DENY ACCESS. A strict speed limit of no more than 5 MPH will be in place. Participants/vendors/cast violating exceeding this speed or endagering anyone while driving on the site will be banned from driving on site and forefit all future invitations to the event. Vendors are allowed to camp on the grounds for the duration of the event. It is dry camping only, and all fees must be included in the total vendor fees. All tents MUST be theme/period conforming. RV spaces are limited, first come, first served, and not guaranteed. Business Structures/Participant Costumes: Vendors need to provide their own tents, tables, chairs, shade cover/tent, etc. Booths, regardless of type, must have the look and feel of structures of the Medieval/Renaissance period. Pop-ups must have all modern-looking metal, inside and out, covered with fabric or other covering. FOOD TRUCKS need to plan on setting up a tent in front of their windows to serve out of that is decorated appropriately. A photo of your booth for first-time applicants must accompany this application. MME is the final judge of appropriateness. Each tent/pop-up booth must have 40 LBS of weight PER CORNER securely attached. Booth corners will then need to be anchored to these weights. Corners also need to be staked (carefully to avoid sprinkler lines and heads) and secured into the ground with 8–10-inch heavy-duty metal stakes (rebar and steel stakes are ideal) and properly guy wired with paracord, hemp, or cotton rope, and same style metal stakes. Lag Bolts & ratchet straps can also be used to anchor down to ground stakes so long as they are brown, black, green, or grey. (Weights need to be covered/disguised or covered to keep a period look. All period-style tents and canopies that use wooden poles to set up need only be sure to use 3 guy wires per pole with acceptable cord/rope and stakes. Vendors will be held responsible for any grass and sprinkler system damage. We will be inspecting each booth. Only producers will determine if a set-up is secure enough to warrant an exception to these rules. Vendors will be instructed on ways to meet these standards.All vehicles are to be removed from the field and the public parking lot and kept in vendor parking by 9:30 a.m. each day and during business hours.ALL persons participating in the working, demos or performances of the vendor’s business shall be in Renaissance, pirate or faerie garb and should at all times strive to emulate the speech and mannerisms of the European Renaissance time period, or pirate and fantasy environments. Security: Security will be present on the grounds. Notwithstanding, this is not meant as a guarantee. MME and the city of Show Low, their sponsors, officers, employees, and agents are not responsible for any loss, theft, damage, or injury to any person or property. Returned Checks: Any checks submitted to MME that are returned by the bank for insufficient funds will be run the maximum number of times allowed by the bank. If the check still does not clear, a $35 dollar fee, in addition to any bank fees, will be attached to the account of the sender. Inclement Weather/Acts of God: By signing this document, parties agree that in the event of inclement weather, natural disaster, or act of God, MME will be responsible only for the return of booth fees and only if the entire three-day event is canceled. Medieval Mayhem Renaissance Faire is scheduled to be open rain or shine. Weapons: All period weapons must be sheathed or holstered at all times. Because alcohol is sold on-site, firearms are not permitted (except for security) within the fenced area of the location. Any person found brandishing a weapon other than for a scheduled performance or re-enactment will be subject to immediate expulsion. All vendors selling weapons must not allow anyone under the age of 18 handle a weapon and must provide string or ribbon for peace-tying and will advise customers to keep all weapons peace-tied or escort the customer to their vehicle where they can secure it out of harm’s way. By submitting this application, you affirm that you have read, understand, and agree to all the terms and conditions stated herein. Notwithstanding, any verbal statements, any variations or exceptions to this agreement must be in writing and signed by an official representative of The Village EVENTures. Please provide a sketch of your booth, including any support ropes or guy wires, front line, and intended décor to comply with theme requirements. Give measurements for length, width, and depth of setup. Indicate the frontage of the booth.
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