Custom Application
Film Permit Application
Deadline: Dec 31, 2050 11:59 pm (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Date: Apr 04, 2022 12:00 pm - Dec 31, 2050 12:00 pm (EST)
Virtual event
About the event
About the application
Terms & Conditions
Permit Fee | $200.00 | Payment will not be processed if a formal film permit is deemed unnecessary by the committee. |
Basecamp/Parking Donation | $1,000.00 |
Questions on the application
User information
- First name
- Last name
- Gender
- Birthday
- Address
Additional information
- Name of production company
- On-site contact name(s) & number(s)
- Project Type
- DATE(S) and TIME(S) of set up, filming, and breakdown
- Name or address of film location
- What type(s) of space(s) will be used for filming, basecamp and parking? (Check all that apply.)
- If filming on private commercial or residential property, you are required to provide proof of permission from the property owner(s). NOTE: If your permit is approved, you must notify all businesses and residences within the area affected by the production.
- # of actors; # of crew
- Please provide a basic description of each scene to be filmed at the location
- Description of equipment to be used for staging and filming
- Estimated number of vehicles and type, if oversized (i.e. # of trailers, food trailers/trucks, box trucks, etc.)
- Please upload a map showing where these vehicles will be parking.
- List the # of tents being set up including location, size and use for each - especially if using cooking, heating or warming devices under the tent. If none, please write "N/A".
- If using portable restrooms, please list the quantity and locations. If not, please write "N/A".
- If special effects or stunts will be taking place, please provide detailed description. If not, please write "N/A".
- List any removal of vegetation or building modifications that could remain permanent after completion of project. If none, please write "N/A".
- If you will have private security on-site, please provide contact information. If not, please write "N/A".
- Attach a site plan of the filming & basecamp location, including any structures being used, access points, parking, signage etc.
- Please list any special requests/requirements not already covered
- For projects taking place on public property, you must provide a COI naming The City of Alpharetta (2 Park Plaza) as an additional insured. The city requires an insurance policy rider for general liability for $1,000,000. (If you don't have the document at this time, you can provide this at a later date, no later than a week prior to the film date)
- Please upload a picture of your drivers license
- By submitting this application, I have read and agree with the Terms & Conditions of this application.

Film Permit Application
ARPCS Applications