"Everything's Better with a Monkey" Shirt - Eventeny
Jon J. Murakami Jon J. Murakami
"Everything's Better with a Monkey" Shirt "Everything's Better with a Monkey" Shirt

"Everything's Better with a Monkey" Shirt

For sale
Flat rate


tan design on a dark brown shirt. Pocket design of Gordon RIder's sidekick, Steve the Monkey, with saying "Everything's Better with a Monkey" on the right sleeve. Available in Men's Hanes T-shirt and Women's Bella style shirts and for the 1st time Kids sizes! CLEARANCE - VERY LIMITED SIZES

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$5.00 (Flat rate on multiple orders from this seller)

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Exceptions may apply. Please message Jon for more information.

Meet your seller

Jon J. Murakami

Jon J. Murakami is a freelance cartoonist born and raised in Hawaii. He is best known for his line of “Local Kine” greeting cards, which depict humorous occasions & holidays in Hawaii. His regular comic strips include “Calabash” with the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, “Generation Gap” with the Hawaii Herald, and “What’s Up Wasa*Bee?” in Wasabi. Additionally, Jon illustrated several Hawaiian children’s picture and board books, including “Geckos Slide & Peek”, and self-publishes comic books entitled “Gordon Rider”, “Eda*mame Ninjas”, and “The Ara-Rangers.”


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"Everything's Better with a Monkey" Shirt
"Everything's Better with a Monkey" Shirt
Jon J. Murakami
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