Overview Map - 57th Apple Butter Makin' Days - Eventeny

Overview Map

Sections of the entire festival.


Justice Center Lot
Booths 800-862 North of the square. Sometimes referred to as the "Justice Center Parking Lot".
East Lot
Booths 701-764 This is often referred to as the OCH Lot because it's located directly behind the OCH (Ozarks County Hospital) building.
Main Street
Booths 401-448 Lining South Main Street located south of the courthouse and West of the stage
South Square
Booths 301-355 Located South of the courthouse
North Square
Booths 100-150 Located north of the courthouse
Booths 1-71 Located West of the courthouse
201-272 Located East of the courthouse
Center St
Booths 601-623 Booths lining Center Street
Dallas St
Booths 501-521 Booths lining Dallas Street
