Twitterpated in Purple - Eventeny
Debbie Arambula Debbie Arambula
Twitterpated in Purple Twitterpated in Purple

Twitterpated in Purple

For sale
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The Story behind my Twitterpated Series Recently I dated a man I have known for over 30 years. We have always been good friends. When we started dating, I felt like a 17-year-old again. He took me on a ton of dates to dinner, a concert, coffee... We really enjoy each other’s company. One day I was visiting my sister in law and brother and her mother looked at me while I was sharing the story of a recent date. Ulamae, said to me “Honey. Your Twitterpated” I said WHAT? What is that word???? Just the word alone sparked my imagination. Ulamae explained that ‘Twitterpated’ means to feel happy jumpy feeling you get that causes you to smile uncontrollably. Excited or overdone by romantic feelings: smitten- to be strongly attracted to someone or something. 1942: first used in the movie Bambi. Right then and there I envisioned a whole new series that I would paint. It all began in Healdsburg California, Hot off the brush, Debbie Arambula, The Heart Artist combines hearts and flowers in her newest paintings, using a 3D Relief technique (a relief is a wall-mounted sculpture in which the 3D elements are raised from a flat based.) The painting has been brewing for many years…. maybe about 10 years. Come to think of it, maybe all my life, come to think of it. I remember I walked into a gallery in Yountville, CA and saw this AMAZING painting that just stopped me in my tracks… I was fascinated at the texture the movement the emotion coming off the canvas. I just knew that someday I would create using as much texture. I just never had gumption to paint it until now. But it’s funny when you look at the evolution of my work over the past few years my paintings have been leading up to this moment. I love the texture; I enjoy creating works that seems to leap off the canvas and grab their hearts. I started the series of paintings in Healdsburg California, while on a recent much needed visit to my cousin Annie. I went to my favorite spot on the square, in the middle of town and set up my portable art studio. It is one of my favorite locations to paint. The town is wonderful the people are kind, and no one really bothers me. The next day while driving across the SF Bridge, in my VW bug, I decided to go to Palace of Fine Arts & paint there too. This has been my dream for over 20 years, the location is beautiful beyond words, perfect birthplace for Twitterpated! And so, I added color right there at one of the most beautiful places in the world. I am passionate about pulling people out of any negative thoughts and surrounding the heart with love, joy and happiness, I am thinking this series might just have that effect. From my Twittepated Heart to yours, Debbie Arambula

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Length/Depth: 20 in
Width: 1.5 in
Height: 20 in
Length/Depth: 24 in
Width: 3 in
Height: 24 in


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Meet your seller


Debbie Arambula “The Heart Artist” California Artist Collected Internationally Hearts became a fascination at the early age of 5, when Debbie discovered her passion for creating & inspiring more love & happiness in the World. To have one in your home is to invite positive energy, while at the same time, spreading love to all that see it. Experiencing these colorful explosions of energy uplifts, one’s tone almost immediately! Each painting is an emotional expression of Debbie's passion to spread more love and light into the world. She believes the heart represents the best in all of us and when the heart is at the center of everything, we do in life we then celebrate our true potential! Internationally collected & award-winning California Contemporary Master Painter, Debbie Arambula, has been interviewed extensively by the press and in media nationwide, to an estimated 30 million people. She has been seen on NBC and ABC affiliates in major West Coast cities such as KRON TV San Francisco, Entertainment Magazine, Good Day Sacramento, Good Morning Scottsdale, Fox 5 Las Vegas, ABC News, NBC News and Newstalk 550 Arizona Radio. Debbie has also been featured in ‘Romantic Homes Magazine’, ‘Homes by the Sea’, ‘Décor Magazine’, San Francisco Chronicle, Los Angeles Times, San Jose Mercury News and dozens of others.

Debbie Arambula

I have been a professional artist for over 25 years. Hearts became a fascination at the early age of 5, when I discovered my passion for creating & inspiring more love & happiness in the World. The best way to describe my art is to experience it for yourself. My collectors say over and over again that my happy art enhances their love for life.


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Twitterpated in Purple
Twitterpated in Purple
Debbie Arambula

Heads up! This seller has been inactive since 08-11-2022.We suggest messaging the seller to check item availability before purchasing.

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