CALABASH #1: Do We Even Know Half of These People? - Eventeny
Jon J. Murakami Jon J. Murakami
CALABASH #1: Do We Even Know Half of These People? CALABASH #1: Do We Even Know Half of These People?

CALABASH #1: Do We Even Know Half of These People?

For sale
Flat rate


Calabash is a comic strip about the quirkiness of Hawai‘i by Jon J. Murakami featured every other week in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser Newspaper. Volume 1 is a 64-page b&w and color book that collects all the strips spanning from 2001-2010 and briefly discusses how Jon first was featured in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and eventually into the Honolulu Star-Advertiser. Edited by Jason S. Yadao (who was a former editor at both papers as well). Features informative cultural notes and random thoughts per strip.

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$5.00 (Flat rate on multiple orders from this seller)

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Meet your seller

Jon J. Murakami

Jon J. Murakami is a freelance cartoonist born and raised in Hawaii. He is best known for his line of “Local Kine” greeting cards, which depict humorous occasions & holidays in Hawaii. His regular comic strips include “Calabash” with the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, “Generation Gap” with the Hawaii Herald, and “What’s Up Wasa*Bee?” in Wasabi. Additionally, Jon illustrated several Hawaiian children’s picture and board books, including “Geckos Slide & Peek”, and self-publishes comic books entitled “Gordon Rider”, “Eda*mame Ninjas”, and “The Ara-Rangers.”


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CALABASH #1: Do We Even Know Half of These People?
CALABASH #1: Do We Even Know Half of These People?
Jon J. Murakami
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