11 x 14 Print "Freedom" with Backing Board - Eventeny
ShadowMyths ShadowMyths
11 x 14 Print "Freedom" with Backing Board 11 x 14 Print "Freedom" with Backing Board

11 x 14 Print "Freedom" with Backing Board

For sale
Flat rate


This dark and beautiful print makes a great conversation piece in the home or dorm! Get a remarkable print that feels like a fine art piece but has a story meaningful to you. Your friends will surely comment about it and you can tell them the story of the painting and even what it means to you. ______________________________________________________________ TITLE OF PRINT: "Freedom" ______________________________________________________________ INCLUDES: - One large size print - The story of the print mounted on the backing board - Authentic signature signed by the original artist, Doug Hoppes - 3/16 in. Bainbridge Clay Coated Foam Board - FRAME IS NOT INCLUDED ______________________________________________________________ FEATURES: - Size: 11 in. x 14 in. - Printed on 100# Cover Cougar Opaque Cover Smooth white - Sturdy Bainbridge backing board that can be used in case frame does not have backing - Original artwork created by Doug Hoppes based on his own concepts - Original story and unique meaning of the painting written by Doug Hoppes ______________________________________________________________ STORY: We like to think that we are the masters of our world. We’re free to do whatever we like. This is an illusion. As free as you think that you are, there is always something that holds you back. Maybe something that happened to you in the past. Maybe your own fears. Maybe some physical or societal limitations. Whatever it is, true freedom happens when you can navigate around those boundaries and truly express who you are.

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$5.00 (Flat rate on multiple orders from this seller)
Delivery restrictions may apply:
Shipping is $5 to Anywhere in US, $20 international (I will invoice you for additional shipping cost)

Refund & return policy

No refund or returns allowed on this purchase.
Exceptions may apply. Please message Doug for more information.

Meet your seller


Dark Fantasy Story Prompts and art


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11 x 14 Print "Freedom" with Backing Board
11 x 14 Print "Freedom" with Backing Board

Heads up! This seller has been inactive since 12-22-2022.We suggest messaging the seller to check item availability before purchasing.

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